Thursday, September 23, 2010

Photo Slideshow

This is just a sample of my photo album. I meant to write Arabic in it, but Roxio didn't like it & didn't show it :(.. So, I kept it in English ;). I also used cartoon characters as this is one of the things that attract students (kids and adults too ;)). I would assign the students to collect pictures and describe them by commenting on the pictures as I did in my album. This would apply for pictures of places, of themselves, daily situations, adjectives ...etc.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Arabic Quiz

My 1st Quiz Trial

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Using Google Docs

Just wanted to share my experience of using google docs with my student online..
He had some scripts which he wanted me to check & correct.. After sending them to my google account email, I shared them with him (he doesn't have a google account though). What happens is that when I share the file (by adding the email I want to share with), google sends the link of the document to the other participant so that he/she can view without the need of having a gmail account.

We worked together on the document (using Skype too), so whenever I select the wrong word to him, it gets colored so he can see it, then he can correct it himself or I correct it again to him.
It didn't take time & it was so easy to use. It also saves the modification automatically, so you don't have to worry if you forget to save it. But before you close the document, you have to be sure that the "Save" button is not active, this way, it means that it has saved your last changes already.
You can view the document here.
PS. the document is written in Arabic.. so don't get surprised with the script, or think it's a wrong link ;).
Best of luck.. Enjoy it ;)